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Hope: A knowing of trust

Have you ever felt hopeless? Perhaps you're in a season right now where you can relate. Honestly, I have had my fair share of...

Beautiful in its time

"For He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time" - Ecclesiastes 3:11 As I stand on the brink of moving house, I am...

Easter – Hidden in the chocolate hype

Why did we need a Saviour? Why did He have to be the son of God? In the midst of the chocolate hype and family road trips these questions...

Wilderness Wanderer

Physically the wilderness is a place where the climate is arid, a place of barrenness, deep distress and loneliness.  The wilderness is a...

Dare to dream

As I left the office on Thursday night, I felt in my heart that the Lord is telling me that I am busy living my dream, but it is not...

One word to inspire you this year

You’ve made it through another a year. A year of challenges, trials, joys and smiles. Yes, you made it - by God’s amazing grace! And now...

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